Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Kapitiya - Dolphins, Whales, Kite Surfing and much more

Kalpitiya is always alive with excitement, always!
Nestled in the North Western province of Sri Lanka, the glories of this beautiful region are new found. It took the Island some time to realize what enchanting secrets Kalpitiya enfolds in its seas and shores. It’s a place where things happen; adventures pop up. From November to April it’s even more happening. It’s the season when this vibrant coastal city shows up in its most exuberant mood. When the dolphins with all their glamour decide to hit the Kalpitiya seas. When the whales beguile the world with their magnificent presence.
So we packed a few things and went right into the heart of the magic.
Hello dolphins
The first day, early morning we were off to meet the Dolphins. We wore some sun screen. The boat ride was fun and the dolphins were on time. However our boat guide told us that sometimes the dolphins may make you wait. But when they do come finally, you will be charmed into forgiveness. It was a dream-like feeling getting to know these thrilling creatures as they swam and twirled alongside our boat.
Wonderstruck by whales
Setting off from Alankuda beach we were again on a boat. This time we had a date with the whales. Getting into the secrets of the most mysterious of the sea creatures. Just about 6km away from the coast we were held under a spell. A group of about thirty sperm whales were obviously having a good time. We were glad that we opted for the morning trip. The seas weren’t choppy. The monsoon was over. Remember, between May to October the seas here are too rough to adventure out in unless you are in for kitesurfing.

Cycle to the villages
From fishing villages to farming villages Kalpitiya has got some really traditional villages untouched by modern ways. On the third day, we got on a bicycle and wandered across the beach and town. The weather was warm and the winds were full of life. I felt like I was about to discover some magic, which I did next. First we got the truly villageish feelings that you can only get in places that are still unspoiled. We were cycling past palm thatched roofs and mangroves. Then we were treated to some beautiful ruins of a Dutch church and Dutch fort. Then we made friends with some nice fishermen down there and got carried away with their tales of the sea. The warm air and friendly smiles must have got into our souls. At the end of the day we weren’t even tired. No. We were looking for some more adventures.
Adventure out in the turquoise seas
 The fourth day was what you would call a golden day. In the morning we went on kayaking. The sea was prettily, crazily blue. We felt a thrill of delight as we went on. The sun was shooting marigold shine on us. We felt that we’ve found paradise right there. The seas were calm and quiet and the wind surfers and water skiers too seemed to be having the time of their lives. Snorkelers had found a heaven in Bar reef. Bar reef is a pristine coral reef system that holds a great biodiversity.
 May to October. Now if you are into kitesurfing this is the season for you. Have to be. During May to October the winds are ideally strong. It’s when the South West monsoon begins. With flat water lagoons and water riding spots Kalpitiya is ready to take you on the kind of surfing your heart desires. The sea is all yours to go with the winds.
Stay in style
Kalpitiya has got some beautiful accommodation snuggled on its warm sands. The hotels harmonize gloriously with the exotic world of Kalpitiya. Very much like the surroundings, the hotels themselves have beguiling looks. Where we stayed in Kalpitiya was very much enigmatic and made us want to explore its interiors. Accommodation in Kalpitiya is an adventure on its own. You should seriously check out some Kalpitiya stays on Bookings.lk before you set off to explore the beauties of Kalpitiya.

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